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Frequently Asked Questions

All the deepest unknowns - answered.
How will we communicate?

Via e-mail, Google Meet, and my very own Client Portal hosted in Notion. It helps me maintain an organized workflow, ensuring all details are captured and addressed promptly.

What are your sustainability commitments?

To read about my planet-friendly actions and commitments, follow the link

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes I do, for details please get in touch via my form and we can discuss your payment options during your free discovery call.

Why do you only offer 1 concept?

If I can focus my full undivided attention on creating one concept I can be sure to use my full creative capacity and energy to create an identity that lands right where it should, backed up by all the strategy and research. This doesn't mean there won't be more concepts and ideas at the beginning, but it gives me options to explore them before choosing the right one for you. By eliminating delivering more than one concept, I can avoid the demoralizing feeling of investing time and effort into a design that ultimately won't be chosen. Having my undivided attention on one concept allows me to stay motivated and enthusiastic throughout the entire process, bringing you the best possible results. I aim to streamline my offering and bring you a result with a clear direction that will be the right one for you.

Why are you using Webflow to develop websites?

I've been working in Webflow for a few years now and I believe it is one of the superior no-code tools that allows for great personalization and original results that are perfect solutions to my client's needs.

Is there any non-commitment option to get to know you?

Yes, of course. I'm down to talk to all like-minded humans so please reach out via my social media or book a free discovery call to do a business vibe check :)

How do you handle feedback and revisions?

Feedback is welcomed and necessary! We'll work through a structured revision process to refine and perfect the design, ensuring it aligns with your vision.

I'm not sure what I need... can you help?

No worries at all. During our free discovery call, I'll dive into your business and help you determine what is it that your brand needs and if I am the right person for you. If not, I'll do my best to guide you to someone who can help.